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Crystal Salt
Crystal Salt
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A Distinct Identity

Come join us to make a difference in our community.

Together, let's feed our neighbors and make the world a better place


101 WIS-35 Centuria, WI 54824

Hours: Monday: 2-5 pm | Tuesday: 5-7 pm | Thursday: 10-2 pm | Saturday: 9-11 am

Phone: 715-405-2253 (Our Lady of the Lakes Church Office)

Serving Polk County residents. | Shopping allowed two times per month.

The pantry will be closed when Unity School is closed due to inclement weather.

We do not discriminate due to race, religion or disability. | Not responsible for accidents.

If you have items to donate, we thank you.

We do not accept items such as clothing, books, or household items, etc.

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